Vendor Registration

Welcome to our vendor management program tailored specifically for vendors specializing in private investigation assignments related to insurance fraud. Our platform is designed to streamline collaboration between vendors and insurance entities, offering a comprehensive yet simple process to receive, conduct and complete investigations.
At the heart of our program is a commitment to building strong relationships with our vendors. We prioritize efficient communication and centralized information through CASELINK®, utilizing advanced technology like ChatGPT and A.I. to facilitate efficient ways to complete an investigation from receiving and assignment to getting paid. This also provides detailed analytics on performance, compliance, and risk management.
What distinguishes us is our integration of real-time data analysis and a user-friendly interface through CASELINK®. This allows for swift vendor assessment and selection, empowering vendors with timely insights and communication. We believe in a proactive approach, conducting regular reviews and feedback sessions to continuously enhance performance and align with industry standards.
Transparency and efficiency are core principles of our program. By partnering with us, vendors gain access to flexible collaboration options, expedited payment processes, and simplified work assignment procedures. We understand the challenges vendors face, from delayed payments to outdated software platforms. Our program addresses these issues head-on, providing a superior solution for optimizing vendor relationships.
Join us and experience the benefits of a streamlined vendor management process, where your success is our priority.

Investigate when you want

Earn anytime, anywhere

You can accept investigations when you want, where you want, and how often you want.

Set your own schedule

Only accept investigations when it works for you.

Signing up is easy

Sign up to gain access to CASELINK®. After your account activation is complete, you can start earning.

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