At APEX Investigation®, our team of experts is trained to identify fraud and provide top-notch surveillance services. Our proprietary software, CASELINK®, gives you access to all relevant information collected during the preliminary investigation and in the field, including detailed reports, updates, and videos, which can be viewed in our media gallery. With over 86% video capture rate, our team has saved clients hundreds of millions of dollars through successful surveillance operations.

Our investigators undergo rigorous training to ensure they are equipped with the best practices, knowledge of workers’ compensation law, and privacy and pretexting case law. Our team plans each surveillance operation carefully, relying on thorough database and social media searches, and the best technology, including 4K cameras and video equipment, to gather and document evidence.

We offer a range of surveillance services, including activity checks, neighborhood canvass, remote unmanned monitoring, and surveillance. Our team is experienced in improvising and avoiding detection for effective surveillance, even in challenging situations. Trust us to provide you with unique and unparalleled access to your claimant’s activities, and professional documentation to support your case.

Surveillance Investigations

Effective investigations start with communication and at APEX, communication never stops. Our surveillance investigators...


Actual footage

from our surveillance team.

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