effects of covid 19


The Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on many industries, including private investigations. The sudden shift to remote work and social distancing measures has forced private investigators to adapt their methods and techniques to continue their work. Covid-19 has affected private investigations and how investigators have adapted to the new normal. From surveillance to interviews, every aspect of private investigations has changed with small nuances to assure safety from Covid-19.

What aspects have been affected?

APEX Investigation’s core services are extensive. With nearly 75 years of total experience,
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The Covid-19 pandemic has forced private investigators to adapt their methods and techniques to
continue their work, which has ultimately led to the industry becoming stronger. The shift to
remote surveillance, digital investigations, virtual interviews, and the use of drones and other
remote surveillance methods have allowed investigators to gather information in new and
innovative ways.

Additionally, the pandemic has also led to an increased need for security and risk management, as
many companies and organizations have had to adapt to new ways of working and conducting
business. This has created new opportunities for private investigators to offer their services in
these areas.

Furthermore, the pandemic has also highlighted the importance of online security and privacy.
With more people working remotely and conducting business online, the need for digital
investigations and cyber security has become more important than ever. This has led to an
increase in the demand for private investigators with expertise in these areas.

Overall, the private investigation industry has come back stronger due to Covid-19 as it has been
forced to adapt and evolve to meet the new challenges and opportunities presented by the
pandemic. These adaptations have led to new and innovative ways of gathering information and
have created new opportunities for investigators to offer their services in areas such as
cybercrime, risk management, and digital investigations.


Covid-19 has had a significant impact on the private investigation industry. The pandemic has
forced investigators to adapt their methods and techniques to continue their work, including the
shift to remote surveillance, digital investigations, virtual interviews, and the use of drones and
other remote surveillance methods. Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, the demand
for private investigations has increased in some areas, such as cybercrime and domestic disputes.
The private investigation industry continues to evolve and adapt to the new normal brought on by
the pandemic.

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