Private Investigation firms conduct investigations on behalf of clients. Often the clients
are private, hired by a company, or public, as in hired by cities, counties, states, and more.
APEX Investigation® is a leader in Insurance, Workers’ Compensation, Liability and Human
Resources Investigations, with a mission to build lasting relationships through trust,
integrity, and quality investigations.
What are APEX Investigation’s Core Services?
APEX Investigation’s core services are extensive. With nearly 75 years of total experience,
APEX Investigation® has accrued an extensive amount of essential private investigative
- Surveillance: APEX’ Investigators receive rigorous training covering investigation best practices, workers’ comp law, privacy, and pretexting case law.
- Social Media Investigations and Background Investigations: APEX’s background Investigators are Certified Social Media Intelligence Analysts. They use the latest techniques to identify and preserve a claimant’s social media footprint, which can produce evidence to dispute a claim and aid in surveillance. Investigators scour the best databases to identify Criminal & Civil records, bankruptcies, liens, judgments, past employment, driving records, workers’ compensation claims history, and address verification to aid in the defense.
- AOE / COE Investigation: APEX Investigators are trained in workers’ compensation law including insurance defenses, subrogation, apportionment, and experts and uncovering the facts from witnesses, and claimants and gathering critical evidence for our clients to make critical decisions to accept or deny claims. APEX investigators are trained to identify subrogation and uncover leads to aid in the recovery claims costs.
- Disability Management Investigations (DMI): An excellent tool when investigating a non-litigated claim where red flags exist, and a recorded statement helps to gather critical information necessary to administer a claim.
- Anti-Fraud SIU: APEX Investigation provides anti-fraud training, compliance reporting, fraud identification, eFD1 filings, fraud packaging, and managing the process with the various District Attorneys and the Department of Insurance.
- Medical | Hospital | Pharmacy Canvassing: APEX Investigation® expert investigators canvass an area(s) and gather information from clinics, hospitals, and pharmacies to gather critical evidence to help defend claims.
March 4, 2025
September 21, 2024
September 10, 2024
April 5, 2024
February 24, 2024
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